

Charles Malden, a.k.a. Drago, is a descendent of Captain Drago and Dragut. In 1587, a Drago fought the Croatoan alongside Viking at Roanoke. In 1750, another ancestor fought in the Franco-Indian wars and later took part in the American Revolution. A Drago daughter married a Malden whose son was killed by the Klan in Louisiana after the Civil War. His grand-son, Joseph, Drago's uncle, died at the Alamo. After his death, like him, Charles Malden was initiated by Indian shaman Kee-Oh-Kuk, one of the Immortal Twelve. Kee-Oh-Kuk lived inside the Cursed Mesa, near one of Oxian's Arches. The shaman taught Charles Malden to become a crime-fighter. While Charles posed as a harmless, effeminate man, Drago, with the help of exiled French sailor Tartarin, fought the Mexicans of the Black Duke and his henchman El Chulo. Eventually the Duke managed to trap Drago and killed Kee-oh-Kuk, but Drago escaped thanks to Stormshadow's intervention. Dragon has since teamed up again with Stormshadow and the Mexican crimefighter the Sparrowhawk to form a team called The Frontiersmen.

French Reprints

Episodes (incomplete list):
1. Le Fort de la soif
2. [sans titre]
3. Sauvez Brenda !
4. Boites a surprise
5. Exécution manquée
6. Un jouet dangereux 
7. Cent Dago plus un !
8. A Qui la prime ?
9. Le Shériff de Oklahoma City
10. Fouet d'Argent
11. Notre agent à Durango  
12. Un pendu qui se porte bien 
13. À toi de jouer, Charles !
16. Un Navire pour Coucourdin 
17. Un plan diabolique
18. Un Adversaire redoutable 
19. Pris à son propre piège 
14. La Vallée de Gree 
15. Un Chien hurlait dans la nuit 
20. La Grande course 
21. A Bride Abattue 
22. Malden s’évade 
23. Le Retour d’El Chulo 
24. Le Secret de l’Orpailleur
25. Le Sceau 
26. Le Général Gorille 
27. Le Prisonnier de Rio De Mar 
28. Course Contre la Mort 
29. El Predicito 
30. Flammes sur la Mer 
31. Je suis Innocente
32. La Tour de la Peur 
33. Voyage à Tugicalpa 1 
34. Voyage à Tugicalpa 2 
35. La Fête du Duc Noir 
36. Une Caserne pour Rocher Noir 
37. Dix Lingots d’or 
38. De Drôles de Paroissiens
39. Drôle de Farine
40. L’Homme qui Venait de Carson City 

Appearances in The frontiersmen