

Galaor is the descendent of Gal, King of the Twilight People, who found refuge with his people over 150 million years ago on Mû, the Planet of Gold, the fifth planet of the Solar System. Gal allied himself with Numenor, Emperor of the Topaz Throne of Mû, to defeat the Fomors from the 4th planet who threatened Mû. 

In the 17th century, Cardinal Richelieu's schemes forced French Musketeer Galaor de Montbars to flee France. With his friend Cahusac, he joined the notorious freebooters called the Brothers of the Coast from Tortuga Island. During one of his adventures, he met the mysterious Stormshadow, who had heard through time and space the prayers of Imperatrix Nikkan, descendent of Numenor, and of her Warlock Wellyn, who 100 million years ago, were trapped in a desperate battle against the evil Prokantor Kersh. Stormshadow used the power of Oxian's Arches to send Galaor back through time and space to Mû, thereby honoring the anciant alliance between the Twilight People and the Emperors of the Planet of Gold. Galaor then became Warrior of Mû, and fought alongside Nikkan and Wellyn for honor and justice.

Recently, Galaor rescued Lagrid and fought with Futura against Dhaarmanga and Mandina, two Ladies of the Dark Trinity.

French Reprints

1. Galaor
2. Dans la Savane de Darien
3. Dans le repaire des pirates
4. Intrigues
5. La Vengeance de l'Olonnais
6. La Fin d'un pirate
7. Une Mystification de taille
8. Défi à la mort
9. Retour à la Tortue
10. Le Trésor de Santa Maria
11. Entreprise désespérée
12. Seul Contre Tous

New Adventures

Books (in English)

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